Film Synopsis Salt: Angelina Jolie's as a CIA agent : Fan Review

In this blog post, I will review the film Salt, starring Angelina Jolie as a CIA agent who is accused of being a Russian spy. The film is directed by Phillip Noyce and written by Kurt Wimmer, and it was released in 2010.

The film begins with a flashback of Evelyn Salt being tortured in a North Korean prison, where she is held as a suspected spy. She is eventually released in a prisoner exchange, thanks to her boyfriend Mike Krause, an arachnologist. Two years later, Salt is working as a CIA operative in Washington DC, along with her colleague Ted Winter. One day, they interrogate a Russian defector named Oleg Orlov, who claims that there is a secret program of Russian sleeper agents trained since childhood to infiltrate the US and destroy it from within. He says that the first attack will be the assassination of the Russian president at the funeral of the US vice president in New York City, and that the assassin is none other than Evelyn Salt.

Salt denies the accusation and tries to contact her husband, but he does not answer. She decides to flee from the CIA headquarters, fearing that her husband is in danger. She is pursued by Darryl Peabody, a CIA counterintelligence officer who believes she is guilty. Along the way, she uses her skills and resources to evade capture and disguise herself. She also discovers that Orlov has escaped from custody and is heading to New York as well.

Salt arrives in New York and infiltrates the funeral disguised as a Secret Service agent. She confronts Orlov, who reveals that he is her real father and that she is indeed a sleeper agent named Chenkov. He says that he activated her with a code word during the interrogation, and that she must kill the Russian president to start a war between Russia and the US. He also says that her husband is dead, killed by another sleeper agent.

Sam Pa

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